The North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) was established by the North Carolina State Board of Education as an online community service K-12 public school for students throughout the state of North Carolina. NCVPS is governed by the North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE) and reports on a day-to-day basis to the Executive Director of the NCSBE. As a result of NCVPS’ work, students in the public schools of North Carolina have access to online courses that are unavailable due to teacher shortages or scheduling conflicts. These courses provide students with equity of access to a high-quality educational experience regardless of where they live within the state.





NCVPS is looking for highly qualified NC certified teachers to serve as subject-matter experts on course development teams. The applicant should have a strong understanding of curriculum standards and experience creating engaging lessons and activities that promote active learning through problem-based learning, real-world examples, authentic assessments, and more. The applicant should have high organization and self-management skills, and own a personal computer, phone/other communication device, and Internet access.








Course Outliner tasks will begin Spring 2025 (specific date TBA).





The total contract amount is $1,000.









The North Carolina State Board of Education (NC SBOE) requires teachers who teach for North Carolina Virtual Public School (NCVPS) to have a current NC Professional Educator’s Teaching License in the subject areas in which they are applying to teach. Time spent as a NCVPS teacher will not count towards an SP1 (initial license) becoming an SP2 license.


Please provide evidence of your NC teaching license and all certifications (as applicable) when applying. You may download a copy of your current NC teaching license by logging into the NCDPI Online Licensure System.


You may visit the NCDPI Educator's License Categories website for a list of all NC license types.


NCVPS coaches, developers and teachers are all contracted. There are no benefits associated with the NCVPS part-time contracted positions.


NCVPS is building a culturally diverse and pluralistic teaching, development, and training pool committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment where differences are valued and respected.